Monday, August 22, 2011

I am up and walking!

Well, I started this page while I was down with my ankles, and now I am up and walking, not running, but I am busy as ever!

Life is good, and school has started!  Emilee is a senior this year and is involved in so many extra currilcular activities that I can't keep up with her!  She will graduate in December, so she's trying to get in a whole years activities in 4 months!  Daniel is in 9th grade and I was concerned for him going into high school, but he is doing well so far.  Noah, well, he's working on 7th grade.  He's having some challenges, and he will get through them.  He's going to make it!!!

Justin will start his final semester at USM next week and we are so happy for him!  He's doing great!  Josh has decided to delay Georgetown for 1 year and stay in Vietnam and work.  He loves the people, culture and all things viet.!

Tony was here for a couple of weeks and it was great!  He got called off to DC for a job interview so he left on short notice, so we're hoping he'll be back soon.  Matt will be home before we know it, and I hope they ALL show up for Christmas (that would be my dream come true).

I made red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese frosting after church yesterday.  24 cupcakes disapeared in about 45 minutes...only 4 kids home.  Hmmm, they all acted like they were napping!!!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Our Bunch...

Let's just get through today....

Welcome to my life!  I'm the mother of 6 great kids, Justin, Joshua, Matthew, Emilee, Daniel, & Noah!  They span in age from 27 to 12.  We also love our nephew Tony as our own!  He is technically the oldest and is one great young man!  He has served the Lord as a missionary for 2 years, then came home finished his degree and went to Afghanistan to serve our country! 

No marriages yet...lots of my friends are grandmas' and then there's me!  Well, I am sure my boys are waiting for just the perfect young woman, and I know she'll be worth the wait!  But I sure can't wait to see them move into that phase of their lives!

Tony is getting his masters this month, Joshua graduated from Brigham Young University a couple weeks ago, and Justin will be graduating from The University of Southern Mississippi later this year.  Our son Matt followed in the footsteps of his Dad, Tony, and Joshua, and is now serving a 2 year mission for the Lord in Albania.  He will be home in January 2012!  I only get to speak to him twice a year, on Mother's Day and Christmas.  So, that means that in a couple days it's skype time!

When Matt returns home, he and Emilee-who is graduating from high school early, will be heading out to BYU.  Matt attended there before going on his mission, and he will be there to watch out for his little sis!  We're pretty excited for them both.

Joshua graduated from the Y, and then hopped a plane and headed to Vietnam for a few months.  We just found out he has been accepted to Georgetown for his masters.  He will be in economics, and he's so excited to get started!

And then there's Daniel and Noah.  Daniel is headed to 9th grade this coming year, getting his eagle, and is just doing great!  We are so blessed to have him healthy and strong!  Noah will be in 7th grade, loves sports, and is a fun kid to be around.  He is a typical "caboose", or youngest child--a little spoiled by all of us, but we don't apologize for it at all!  We just love him to pieces!

Brett is a great husband, loves his work, and loves the Lord!  How blessed can one woman be!  When I see all the chaos in the world around me, I thank my Heavenly Father for my small trials.  Compared to others, my life is "a piece of cake"!

I am a realtor and love what I do!  I love getting to know people, showing the homes, and I LOVE the marketing involved in this work. I have been licensed for a little over 2 years now, and I think I will be doing it until I am at least 90!

Last week Emilee and I walked in Relay For Life for The American Cancer Society.  It started on Friday night at 6 and ended at 6am Saturday morning.  I was really enjoying myself--even though I am very out of shape and was exhausted, when at 5am I tripped on a curb, fell, and sprained both ankles!  Well, I have had some health problems, a couple serious surgeries, but THIS is so hard!  I have not been able to walk AT ALL!  I tried today and I am purple from my knees to my toes!

Well, it's all in a days work!  Brett says no good deed goes unpunished!  My mother-in-law said that next time I wanted to volunteer, just give them the money and don't do the work! 

I know I will be walking again next year tho'.  That's  just me, and I enjoy meeting the other folks and hearing about their lives!

Looks like I've written a book here!  Sorry!